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作品名称: 《邓家堡》\Dengjiabao Fort
图片名称: brt00822500209.jpg
作品描述: 商周故事戏:本故事出自《三侠五义》第六十七回。紫髯伯庭前敌阵,蒋泽长桥下擒花蝶,北侠欧阳春,翻江鼠蒋中,快捕头目龙涛等,追拿花蝴蝶,他们根据花蝴蝶有投奔神手大圣邓车的可能,来到邓车所在邓家堡,生擒花蝴蝶等,花蝴蝶得知欧阳春、蒋中大名,自认为所行不正,甘愿伏法。
本出人物:欧阳春 蒋中 花蝴蝶
^_^The opera is based on Chapter 67 of the novel Three Heroes and Five Brave Men. In the Shang and Zhou dynasties (c. 16th —256 B.C.): Chief constable Long Tao and sheriffs Ouyang Chun and Jiang Zhong tracked down criminal Butterfly at Dengjiabao Fort, where he was to plead allegiance to another master thief “the Holy Hand”. They caught him alive. When Butterfly realized that he was captured by the famous brave men Ouyang Chun and Jiang Zhong, he confessed to his wrong