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作品名称: 《满床笏》\Couch Full of Scepters
图片名称: brt00822500204.jpg
作品描述: 唐朝故事戏:唐朝老臣郭子仪平定安史之乱,收复西京等处,屡建奇功,玄宗史官拜中书令,封洛阳王,其子郭嗳被招为驸马。公主依仗君势,门挂红灯,不许郭嗳随便入内,入则先行君臣礼,后叙夫妻情,嗳屈从之。洛阳王八旬寿日,五子八婿齐来拜寿,笏堆满床,独公主未到。嗳甚与之辩理,不服遂拳责之,郭子仪便绑子请罪,玄宗深爱郭氏忠良,非但不曾责怪,反赐嗳忠孝匾与上方宝剑,撤去官门红灯,并令公主亲与翁姑赔罪,一家始和好如初。
本出人物:公主 唐玄宗 郭嗳
^_^In Tang Dynasty (618—907): General Guo Ziyi had rendered outstanding services for the court. Emperor Xuanzong promoted him senior minister of the court and Duke of Luoyang. The emperor also married his daughter to Guo Ziyi’s son Guo Ai. The princess was very arrogant. She hanged red lanterns by her door and did not allow Guo Ai come and go freely in her palace. Each time Guo must pay his respect to the princess first before treating her as his wife. On Duke Luoyang’s 80th anniversary, all sons and sons-in-law came to celebrate. Their Hu scepters piled up on the couch. But the princess did not come. Guo Ai went home to reason with the princess. The princess refused to comply, so Guo Ai beat her up. Guo Ziyi, the Duke, tied his son up and brought him to the emperor to ask for punishment. Emperor Xuanzong had long appreciated the Guo’s loyalty. Instead of blame, the emperor granted Guo Ai a sword and ordered the princess to take down the red lanterns and to