南北朝故事戏:南朝徐羡之专权误国,与北魏交战,败于八公山,史官王连成据实记载,徐横加迫害,并差人追踪至永安驿,意图将其杀害,驿丞张恩本系王仆,替王而死。北魏再度进犯,檀道沓出战,徐羡之绝其粮草,王连成妻闻讯,十分忧急,装扮文士,献出奇计,檀道沓获全胜,班师回朝,斩了徐羡之。 本出人物:王连成 张恩 徐羡之 ^_^During the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420—589): Southern Dynasty’s minister Xu Xianzhi grabbed the power and did great harm to the country. In the battle against the Northern Wei invaders, his army was defeated. Official historian Wang Liancheng recorded the truth of Xu’s failure in the annals. Xu persecuted Wang cruelly. Wang fled to a border town. Men were sent to kill him, but they killed his butler Zhang En by mistake. When the Northern Wei invaded again, Tan Daota was sent to repel them. Xu plotted to cut the supplies of Tan’s troop. Wang Liancheng’s wife heard of the plan, so she disguised as a scholar and contributed a winning idea to Tan