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作品名称: 《斩黄袍》\Cut the Yellow Imperial Robe
图片名称: brt00822500202.jpg
作品描述: 宋代故事戏:五代的周世宗柴荣驾崩,太监郑恩、高怀德用军师苗训计,加黄袍于赵匡胤之身,拥立为帝,改国号宋。河北韩龙因进贡其妹素梅,封官游御街,郑怒批其颊,韩与妹进谗于赵,赵醉后怒斩郑恩,郑妻陶三春闻讯,兴兵围京城,赵醒酒自咎,请高为调解人,高斩韩龙后进行调解,三春斩赵所服黄袍以泄愤。
本出人物:韩龙 赵匡胤 高怀德 郑恩
^_^In the Song Dynasty (618—907): The emperor of the former dynasty died, his eunuchs Zheng En and Gao Huaide dressed up General Zhao Kuangyin in a yellow imperial robe and crowned him as first emperor of the new Song Dynasty. A man named Han Long presented his younger sister to Zhao Kuangyin. Zhao made Han an official and allowed him to tour the imperial street. Zheng En scolded Han in the street. So, Han and his sister plotted to frame Zheng up for. Zhao got drunken one day, he believed Han’s slander and killed Zheng En. Zheng En’s wife Tao Sanchun heard about her husband’s death. She led an army to surround the capital. When Zhao sobered up he realized his mistake So he asked Gao Huaide to mediate with