明代故事戏:明人董介娶妻三房,而半辈无子,二娘秀春怀孕后,三娘耿氏心生嫉妒,奸谋毒计,指人为妖,二娘逃到尼庵分娩,喜生男儿,遂将临行时大娘所赐的祥麟宝镜带在婴儿项。当夜,婴儿被卫典盗去,送姐丈为子,后又被人以女孩换去。秀春寻子,见祥麟镜,追其来由,见官澄清原委,最后终得团圆。 本出人物:官 秀春 卫典 ^_^the Ming Dynasty (1368—1644): A man named Dong Jie had one wife and two concubines. He was over 50 years old, but none of his women gave birth to a boy. Later, concubine Xiu Chun got pregnant, out of jealousy concubine Gengshi plotted a slander, claiming that Xiu Chun was a demon. Xiu Chun ran away and gave birth to a boy in a temple. She attached around the neck of her infant an auspicious Kylin mirror, a gift from Dong Jie’s first wife.. That night, Wei Dian stole the baby from the temple and traded it to another family. Xiu Chun looked for her son everywhere. One day, she saw the auspicious Kylin mirror, thus found the clue. She brought her case to