汉代故事戏:公元前206年刘邦占秦都咸阳后,派兵守函古关,不久项羽率四十万大军进驻鸿门,准备消灭刘邦。经项羽叔父项伯的调解,刘邦鸿门设宴会见项羽,宴会上范增命项庄舞剑,欲乘机刺杀刘邦,项伯也拔剑起舞,以身掩护。最后樊哙带剑而入,刘邦乘机脱险。 本出人物:项庄 刘邦 范增 ^_^A play of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.—A.D. 220): In the year 206 B.C., Liu Bang, the emperor of Han Dynasty, led his army to Xianyang, the capital of the former Qin dynasty.. Soon, General Xiang Yu, who also contributed to defeat Qin, led his army to Hongmen—a place near Xianyang, and prepared to wipe out Liu Bang’s army. Xiang Yu’s uncle Xiang Bo mediated between Xiang and Liu. He arranged a banquet at Hongmen. Liu Bang came to attend the banquet during which, Fan Zeng, an official of Xiang’s command ordered his man Xiang Zhuang to perform sword dance with the intention to kill Liu Bang. The uncle Xiang