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作品名称: 《玉环记》\The Tale of the Jade Ring
图片名称: brt00822500197.jpg
作品描述: 唐代故事戏:唐书生韦皋和妓女玉箫相爱,被鸨母阻隔韦怒而出走,玉萧亦忧郁而死,韦到四川后,被节度使张延赏招为婿,后张又听信谗言,迫韦离去,又逼女儿投河,幸韦在前线立功为官返家,救下妻子,玉萧亦转世为妓,名姜玉萧,继娶以团圆。
本出人物:玉箫 延赏之女 张延赏
^_^In the Tang Dynasty (618—907): Scholar Wei Gao fell in love with prostitute Yu Xiao. But the madam prevented them from being together. Yu Xiao died of a broken heart. Wei Gao went to Sichuan Province where governor Zhang Yanshang made him his son-in-law. Later, Zhang believed a slander and sent Wei Gao away. He later forced his own daughter to drown herself in a river. Wei Gao who had been promoted to a high official rank thanks to his contribution to a victory at the border came home just in time to save his wife. Yu Xiao was reincarnated into a famous courtesan named Jiang Yuxiao. When Wei’s wife died, he married Jiang Yuxiao, so the two lovers were fi