元代故事戏:安西王欲谋反,元帝命江六云查访,太监巴喇铁头妒之,将江灌醉,送安西王百花公主卧室,欲加陷害,其姐江花暗中相助。百花慕其俊美,赠剑许婚,送他出宫,安西王命百花挂帅,六云为将,举兵反元。六云与其姐为元军内应,致使百花兵败,六云上奏,求得元帝赦安西王无罪,并与百花结为夫妻。 本出人物:江六云 江花 百花公主 ^_^In the Yuan Dynasty (1271—1368): Duke Anxi plotted to rebel. The emperor sent Jiang Liuyun to investigate. Eunuch Bala Tietou envied Jiang. In a frame-up—he made Jiang drunk and carried him to the bedroom of Anxi’s daughter Bai Hua. But Jiang Liuyun’s elder sister Jiang Hua helped him out. Bai Hua fell in love with Jiang. She gave him her sword as a symbol of vow. Duke Anxi appointed Bai Hua as general, and ordered Jiang to assist her in leading the army to overthrow the throne. But Jiang Liuyun and Jiang Hua had inside contact with the imperial army, and caused Bai Hua’s failure. Jiang presented a recommendation to the emperor to pardon Duke Anxi.