隋代故事戏:隋文帝之子谋宫戏妹杀夫鸠兄,篡位登基之日,忠臣伍建章头戴麻冠,身披孝服,手持哭丧棒,上殿痛骂杨广。伍被撬牙割舌,押入百州遭斩。南阳侯伍云召获悉后立举反旗,朝廷派韩擒虎统兵讨伐,伍云召妻为不连累其夫,遂投井自杀,伍云召怀抱幼子,携带家将与官兵撕杀于南阳关下。 本出人物:伍云召 伍建章 韩擒虎 ^_^In the Sui Dynasty (581—618): Emperor Suiwen’s son Yang Guang killed his father, poisoned his brothers and usurped the throne. Loyal minister Wu Jianzhang went to the court dressed in a mourning robe to scold Yang Guang. Yang Guang ordered his men pull out all of Wu’s teeth, and to cut his tongue, before killing him. When Wu Yunzhao, the Duke of Nanyang, heard of this, he rose in revolt. The court sent Han Qinhu to suppress Wu. To avoid implicating his husband, Wu’s wife threw herself into a well. Together with other men under his command, Wu Yunzhao carried his infant in his arm and fought the King’s soldiers at the Nanyang Pass. Figures: Wu Yunzhao, Wu Jianzhang and Han Qinhu