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作品名称: 《恶虎村》\The Village of Vicious Tiger
图片名称: brt00822500190.jpg
作品描述: 清代故事戏:又名《江都县》、《三义绝夜》。江都县令施世伦升迁,途径恶虎村,被庄主濮天雕、武天虬劫去,施之护卫黄天霸与濮、武系结盟兄弟。黄借祝寿为名,入庄刺探查明情况后,当夜聚集同伙,进庄救施,黄与濮、武于此反目,便杀死了天虬夫妇和天雕妻,逼死天雕,救出施世伦,火烧庄园。
本出人物:黄天霸 濮天雕 武天虬
^_^The opera is also called Jiangdu County. In the Qing Dynasty (1644—1911): Shi Shilun, governor of Jiangdu County, was promoted. On his way to his new post, Shi passed The Vicious Tiger Village where he was kidnapped by Pu Tiandiao and Wu Tianqiu. Shi’s body guard Huang Tianba pretended to be sworn brothers with Pu and Wu. Under the pretense of celebrating their birthday Huang went inside their manor to investigate, then broke in with his men that same