宋代故事戏:原名《八大锤》、《忠意图》、《潞安州》或《王佐断臂》。北宋末,金兀术大举南侵,兵围潞安州,潞安守将陆登孤军奋战,寡不抵众,城破之后,夫妻壮烈殉国。金兀术见陆登之遗孤陆文龙相貌奇俊,强行收为螟蛉义子,并迫使乳娘携文龙北上继续为之抚育喂养。十六年后,金兀术又度南侵与岳家军会战朱仙镇,屡遭惨败,乃命人搬取陆文龙助战。十六岁的陆文龙文武双全,勇猛无敌,初战宋兵,即获全胜。岳飞帐下谋士王佐断定陆文龙即陆登遗孤,乃断臂诈降金营,机智勇敢地说服陆文龙,陆文龙反戈一击大破金兵,为国立功。 本出人物:乳娘 陆文龙 王佐 ^_^A story of the Northern Song Dynasty (960—1127): Jin Wuzhu from a Northern tribe invaded the South with his army and laid siege to Lu’an Town. The Song army led by Lu Deng fought bravely but was defeated. Lu Deng and his wife died for their country but their infant Lu Wenlong was spared and taken up North by Jin as his adopted son, along with his nanny. Sixteen years later, Jin invaded the Song Empire again, and fought General Yue Fei at Zhuxian Town. Lu Wenlong who had grown up to be a formidable fighter helped Jin to win several battles. Strategist Wang Zuo under Yue Fei’s command concluded that Wenlong to be the son of Lu Deng. He then self mutilated one arm in order to fake surrender to Jin. Once inside the enemy’s camp, he confronted the nanny and persuaded