民间传统故事戏:张万春之子张盎被狐峰山狐狸精所缠。某夜,众狐狸再次化作小姐与张盎欢欣与书斋,适值仆人二楞往书斋送饭,闻得斋内嬉笑声,心惊异,急请张万春至,酒酣狐狸显形,张盎得惊吓病卧床,法师林士茂云游四方寻求天书,张府请他降妖,他捉住了狐狸仗剑欲杀,狐狸求饶,愿将天书奉献,并言,张盎之病去了狐峰山下温泉沐浴即可痊愈。林士茂得知天书下落,放狐归山。狐狸在孤峰山下化作一座庄园,众小狐变作小姐、丫环、厨役等,张盎到温泉后被诱入“小姐”秀阁,奇巧成婚,林士茂得天书,欣然而去。 本出人物:二愣 张万春 林士茂 ^_^This opera is based on a folk tale: Zhang Ang,, son of Zhang Wanchun, was enticed by a fox spirit, a vixen, on the Fox Mountain. One night, the vixen transformed into a beautiful girl, and entered Zhang Ang’s reading room. Servant Er Leng heard the laughter and alerted Zhang Wanchun. The inebriated vixen showed her tail. Shocked, Zhang Ang fell seriously ill. His father Wanchun sought the help of Taoist Master Lin Shimao, who was touring the country looking for the Heavenly Book. Lin subdued the vixen. When he was about to kill her with his sword, the vixen begged for mercy. She promised to reveal the Heavenly Book’s location and that Zhang An would be cured with the water of a hot spring downhill. Lin obtained the Book and set the vixen free.