清代故事戏:又名《拿花得雷》,武打戏。彭公私访,被采花蜂尹亮劫至溪皇庄花得雷处,部将徐胜等四处寻找,遇镖客褚彪和花驴贾亮,定计各携美女,乔装卖艺之人,乘花庄庆寿潜入庄内,救出彭公,刺死尹亮,擒花得雷。 本出人物:尹亮 花得雷 褚彪 ^_^This acrobatic fighting opera is also called The Capture of Hua Delei. In the Qing Dynasty (1644—1911): General Peng Gong went to visit a friend alone and was kidnapped by Yin Liang and taken to Hua Delei’s Xihuang Manor. Peng’s second officer Xu Sheng searched for his whereabouts. He found martial escorts Zhe Biao and Jia Liang. They penetrated Xihuang Manor disguised as acrobats to celebrate Huadelei’s birthday. They rescued Peng, killed Yin Liang and