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作品名称: 《赶龙船》\Chasing the Dragon Boat
图片名称: brt00822500195.jpg
作品描述: 三国故事戏:又命《截江》取材《三国演义》第六十一回“赵云截江救阿斗”。孙权向刘备讨还荆州不得,密遣周善入荆州,诓骗刘夫人带其子阿斗与其乘船而归,以做人质。赵云得知后,赶至江心截住吴船,夺回阿斗。
本出人物:赵云 刘夫人 周善
^_^The opera is based on chapter 61 of the classic Romance of the Three Kingdoms. During the Three Kingdoms era (220—265): Sun Quan, the King of Wu State failed to reclaim Jingzhou City from Liu Bei, the King of Shu State. So Sun plotted to hold Liu’s wife and son as hostages. Sun sent Zhou Cun on a secret mission to Jingzhou City to cheat Liu Bei’s wife into following him with her son A Dou to the Wu State by boat. General Zhao Yun heard of this. He rushed to